Send Your Demo

InSideOut was created through the situation that the music industry has found itself in Greece and around the world. A situation that has led young artists, but also sometimes those known to the public, to encounter great obstacles in presenting their work to companies and producers, if they do not meet other conditions that are not here to mention.

InSideOut, looking for notable creators, singers, musicians, bands to include them in its workforce, announces that through the email with respect to the creations of the artists, it will accept and listen to all demos or ready-made productions of the artists who want to communicate their effort to the public.

Pop, Rock, Hard Rock, Funk, Soul, Dance, Jazz, Fusion, Art, Folk, Instrumental, Hip Hop, Classical, Alternative or any other genre you have created with Greek or foreign lyrics, send it to us and we will we will reply as soon as possible.

Music creation is freedom without limits and you can't put labels and trap it in sales numbers. Music in our humble opinion has one purpose……to touch our souls!!!