What we do

InSideOut is an idea, the birth of which in 2012, amid difficult times for new artists and the music industry in general, comes from the very situation that discography has fallen into in Greece and throughout the world. Its continuous and successful presence for eleven (11) years in the musical events of Greece and beyond, certifies that the beginning is half of everything.

Today, through a long and busy period, it has evolved into the "One Stop Solution" world, with all those digital tools and services needed, for a formal and cost - effective communication campaign.

As a subject of its work, it has the electronic/internet communication of musical works (recordings) - artists in the wider area of ​​mass media throughout Greece and abroad such as radios, televisions, newspapers, magazines, internet sites - portals, internet radio stations, internet TV stations, social media (through the digital tools and services we have developed), the global (243 countries) digital distribution and exploitation of eBooks, audio books, musical works (recordings), visualized and not, as well as the reproduction and the synchronization of recordings in worldwide music collections and audio - visual works such as e.g. films, television series, radio commercials/spots, etc.​

From 2012 until today, many of our recordings have managed, to be in the Playlists and Charts of well - known radio stations in Greece, achieving high positions in the Media Inspector, our artists presenting their releases in TV shows, magazines, newspapers and websites, to be at the top of the iTunes Charts, with several thousand views & streaming on YouTube and Spotify, in high positions of the Billboard and Euro 200. It is worth noting that recordings by InSideOut Music and its artists, hosted in over eighty (80) worldwide music collections.

The main purpose is to support and liberate the artists from the one - way street they had been led to, from the insufficient, due to financial problems, services of the record companies.